Why does my vape taste burnt?

While it’s not unusual, it can be bothersome to get a burnt or burning taste in your vape. Most burnt taste related issues can be prevented or resolved. If you’re wondering how to get rid of the burnt taste in your vape, keep reading. In order to understand why your vape tastes burnt, it helps to understand how vapor is produced in an e-cigarette.
Vapor in e-cigarettes is produced when the e-liquid in the device is heated and vaporizes. When you activate vaping device that utilizes a coil, such as a box mod, the e-liquid is absorbed by a wicking material (usually made of cotton), which the coil inside then heats to create the vapor you inhale. Your vape may start having a burnt taste as the coil becomes more used, as remnants of decomposed e-liquids are built up and heated, or if a dry wick and e-liquid remnants are heated instead of a wick that is properly saturated with e-liquid. This can be resolved by changing your coil regularly or ensuring proper priming of the wick prior to use. Let the wick soak in e-liquid to prime it.
With vaping devices that do not utilize a coil, like pod-based vaping systems, the e-liquid is often in direct contact with a heater within the pod, and likewise, turns into vapor when heated. Using pod-based vapes, such as VEEV, can be a way to avoid burnt taste. Since the e-liquid filled pods are built specifically for the accompanying vape, the formulation is optimized to ensure the sufficient e-liquid transfer to the heater. Plus, no coils and wicks to maintain, greatly reducing the chance of overheating and a burnt-tasting vape.
You might also get a burnt taste when you vape if you use high- Vegetable Glycerin (VG) e-liquids. The viscosity of VG is more likely to reduce the efficiency of e-transportation to the wick, which can lead to either insufficient e-liquid heating, overheating, and / or more wick residue. This is an issue that can be avoided with pod-based vaping systems, as the e-liquid in the pods is specifically formulated to work optimally with its accompanying e-cigarette, versus an e-liquid that was self-mixed and not tested for compatibility with the vaping device.
How to tell if your coil is expired?
The coils inside vaping devices don’t last forever so, eventually, your coil will need replacing. If you want to know if your coil has become full of deposits and requires changing, there are several signs you may look out for:
• Burnt tasting vape
Probably the biggest indicator that your coil has reached the end of its lifespan, is an unpleasant burnt taste which accompanies the inhale from your vaping device and may completely overwhelm the flavor of your e-liquid.
• Vape is leaking
If e-liquid starts to leak from your device or leaks into your mouth when you inhale, this can also be a sign that your coil needs replacing. Often, the wicking material of used coils will become clogged up with e-liquid and the atomizer will not be able to vaporize in sufficient quantities, leading to the e-liquid spilling out of the coil’s airholes.
• Unusual sounds when vaping
Gurgling sounds may appear when you are vaping. If your vape produces a pronounced gurgle on the inhale (unless it is intended by the design of the vaping device), it is probable that you need a coil change. However, if your vaping device continues to produce gurgling noises even after a coil replacement, there are several other reasons for this.
• Not producing enough vapor
The amount of vapor produced by your vaping device may gradually reduce as your coil reaches the end of its functional lifespan. However, low vapor production might also be an indication that your vaping device’s battery is low or faulty.
• You haven’t changed your coil for a while
While coils do have a decent functional lifespan, as deposits collect on the coil over time, its usability decreases accordingly. If you haven’t replaced the coil in a long time and your device is displaying any of the signs above, it’s likely that you need to replace your coil.
Why does my vape taste burnt with a new coil?
Your vape should not taste burnt with a new coil, especially if you have taken all the necessary precautions to properly prime your coil. Persisting burnt taste could indicate other issues. If your e-cigarette tastes burnt with a new coil, it may be a sign that your new coil is not high quality, which means it should be replaced right away with a quality coil from a reputable brand. Moreover, it may be that the e liquid mixture is not compatible for the wick in your e cigarette, with a VG/PG mixture that does not transport well in the wick. Additionally, your vape may taste burnt with a new coil if you are vaping at a higher wattage than recommended for the amount of e liquid available in the tank.
How often do you need to change the coil in a vape?
To avoid the burnt taste in vapes, the coil needs to be changed regularly - usually every one to four weeks.
When replacing the coil, you must remember to prime it before installing. The priming process prepares the coil for use. To do this, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Here are some tips:
- Trickle a small amount of e-liquid onto the wicking holes and inside the coil head.
- Push the coil into place.
- Assemble your vaping device.
- Fill your vaping device’s tank with e-liquid.
- Leave the device for 10 minutes, so that the e-liquid can reach the wick.
How to avoid a burnt taste when vaping?
If you’re experiencing an unpleasant burnt taste from your vape while inhaling, there are a number of things you can try. Often, it’ll involve changing your coil for a new one, and then priming your new coil before use. How you do this will depend on the type of coil-based vaping device you use, but usually you will need to unscrew either the top or bottom of your tank to access the coil. You will then need to remove it from the vape’s casing, before replacing it with a new one.
Other things you can do to avoid a burning taste when you vape are to choose e-cigarette liquids that are lower in VG and vape only at the recommended wattage. You may want to explore different types of e-cigarettes, such as those with pod-based systems that do not utilize coils at all. With these products, the whole pod is disposed and replaced when the pre-filled liquid runs out. This means that you do not have to worry about coil-related concerns.
Whichever vaping device you choose – coil based, or pod based, it is important to remember that vaping is not risk-free, and many e cigarettes provide nicotine, which is addictive. Smoke-free products are intended for use by adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use nicotine products and are not intended as cessation devices. The best option to reduce the health risks associated with the use of tobacco and nicotine products is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. However, for those adults who would otherwise continue to smoke, switching completely to vaping could be a reduced risk alternative.
This article is for general information and educational purposes. Some of the information in this article is based on external, third-party sources and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of such information.